Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Gettin' Fit w/ Alan Branch

Why Healthy Nutrition is Important
We recommend you eat healthy 90% of the time. But what is healthy nutrition? And why does healthy nutrition matter anyway? This post will explain why healthy nutrition is important.
Examples of Healthy Nutrition:
Whole, unprocessed foods. These foods come as close as possible to their natural state and are not (or little) processed. 90% of your food intake should consist of whole foods. Examples:
* Meat, Poultry & Fish. Ground round, chicken breast, tuna, mackerel, …
* Dairy. Whole eggs, cottage cheese, plain fat free yogurt, milk, …
* Whole Grains. Oats, rice, quinoa, pasta, …
* Healthy Fats. Olive oil, mixed nuts, fish oil, real butter, …
* Fresh Fruits & Veggies. Spinach, broccoli, bananas, apples, oranges, …
* Frozen/Canned Fruits & Veggies. But only if additive-free.
Examples: pineapple cans without added sugars, pre-cut frozen broccoli, …
Example of Unhealthy Nutrition.
Processed foods. These are altered from their natural state for safety & convenience. Their labels usually have a huge list of ingredients. And they’re filled with salts, sugars, trans-fats, … Examples:
* Packaged Snacks. Chips, cakes, cookies, crackers, sugar coated nuts, …
* Processed Meats. Hot dogs, bologna, sausages, lunch meats, …
* Calorie Beverages. Sodas, fruit juices, sugar alcohol, …
* Pre-made Meals. Frozen meals, cans of ravioli, pizzas, …
* Deep Fried Foods. French fries, fish sticks, fried seafood, …
* Junk Food. Ice cream, Mc Donalds, kebab, …
* And More. Bagels, margarine, sugary breakfast cereals, …
Why Healthy Nutrition is Important.
The easiest way to be sure you’re getting healthy nutrition: prepare your food yourself. This gives you total control over ingredients and thus results. Benefits of healthy
* Fat Loss. Processed foods contain trans-fats & sugars which prevent fat loss. You need to eat whole foods 90% of the time to lose fat.
* Spare Muscle. Eating alkaline whole foods like spinach maintains the acid-base balance in your body and prevents muscle & bone loss.
* More Energy. Eat junk and you’ll feel like junk: upset stomach, bloated, tired, lethargic, … Whole foods will make you feel better.
* Joint & Skin Health. Increasing your intake of fish oil decreases the onset of joint & skin inflammations. Think less tendinitis, less acne, …
* Overall Health. Whole foods don’t have all the sugars, trans- fats, salts & chemicals. Whole foods are also richer in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Which means lower risks of cancer, obesity, heart disease, diabetes.

You can get away with junk food 10% of the time. Maybe even more. But it’s a slippery slope: easy to get back to your old, bad habits.
Next will be a discussion on portion control....It is a key move in keeping your caloric intake under check.
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I now have only 3 training slots open during the week for any new potential clients. If you are interested in training, please e-mail me at We have also added now 2 more trainers to the team who are now filling their training schedules. Looking for a quality workout, with an educated trainer that guarantees results?

E- mail now for more information, Fall is coming when open slots become hard to find.

Maybe it's time to put a fitness expert in your corner!
Stay strong!
Allen Branch CPT, SCS, NASM-PES
Fitness One Training Solutions
American Martial Arts Systems
"Its time to put a fitness expert in your corner."

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